an adherent of Sufism named Nidzam al-Mahmudi. He lives in a remote village, in a small shack. His wife and children live with is very simple. However, all child-minded intelligent and educated. In addition to the village population, no one knows that he has acres of lush gardens and growing commerce in major cities. With the wealth that is adept at playing that he could feed hundreds of families who depend on it. The level of prosperity of the laborers and employees even much higher than the employer. However, al-Mahmudi Nidzam feel very happy and peaceful enjoying the journey of her age.
One of his children once asked, `Why do you not build a house that big and beautiful? Daddy Was not able to? "" There are several reasons why the father would rather occupy a small hut, "replied the mystic who was not famous." First, because no matter how large our house, we needed was just a place to sit and lie down. Large house often became a prison for its inhabitants. Livelong day he just shut himself while enjoying the beauty of the palace. He is apart from society. And he was separated from this beautiful wild. As a result he will be less thankful to God. "
Her son is old enough to justify saying that his father in the liver. Especially when the father continued his argument, "Secondly, by occupying a small hut, you will become instant adults. You want to immediately separate themselves from their parents in order to occupy the house that much space. Third, we used only two, father and mother. Later will be two more after the children are all married. Moreover, my father and mother occupy a big house, have not deserted the atmosphere may be more pronounced and torture? "
The child is pensive. What a wise attitude of the father who looks naive and innocent. He was a tycoon whose wealth is abundant. However, sweat every day is always streaming. He joined hoeing and reaping the crop. He really enjoyed his wealth in the most fundamental. He does not hover in the cradle so that the property is not actually feel the wealth, but merely overwrought. For many other wealthy person who can only count their wealth in the form of numbers. They're just enjoying the sheets of paper that thinks incomparable wealth. And ultimately he did not enjoy anything but their own empty delusion

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